Legal Information

Legal Information



General conditions of use

Welcome to the website By logging in or using our website, you acknowledge that you have read, understood, and accepted, without limitation or reservation, these Terms of Use.


Publisher of the website, hereinafter the "Company":

108, avenue Roger Salengro
91600 SAVIGNY-SUR-ORGE, France

Registered with R.C.S. de Bobigny under number B 519 060 131

SIRET number 519 060 131 00066 - Intra-Community VAT number FR 23519060131

SA with capital of €582,524.90

Publication manager: Franck GAYRAUD - ARCURE



Website hosting provider


8 rue de la Ville l'Evêque

75008 Paris, France

Tel: +33 (0)1 84 13 00 00


Personal data

The information you enter will be recorded by the company responsible for processing. It will be analysed and sent to the various departments concerned for internal management purposes.

The data transmitted is reserved for the exclusive use of ARCURE, which undertakes not to sell, share or disclose your personal data to third parties. 

In accordance with articles 34 and following of the law «Informatique et Libertés» n°78-17 of 6 January 1978, you have, at any time, a right of access, rectification and deletion of the personal data that you communicate to us.

If you wish to exercise this right, please let us know by post, specifying your last name, first name and address, to: 

ARCURE - 108, avenue Roger Salengro - 91600 SAVIGNY-SUR-ORGE - FRANCE

Or by email at

Specific data from the contact form

The information collected is subject to computer processing intended to facilitate the transmission of your wish to be put in contact with the customer or commercial service. The recipient of the data is ARCURE company.

Your e-mail address will only be used to respond to your request. The data is kept for 1 year.


Cookie Policy

A cookie is a file that allows to record information related to the navigation of your computer on the website (e.g., number of visits, number of page views, etc.) and to facilitate your visits to the site. You can, at any time, delete the "cookies" installed on your computer, object to the registration of new "cookies" and receive a notification before the installation of a new cookie by configuring your navigation tool via the instructions below “Types of cookies, cookies and statistics and settings”. Please note that if you uninstall a “cookie” or if you object to the installation of “cookies” on your machine, you may not be able to benefit from some of the services of the website.

Types of cookies, statistics and settings
Cookies that may be installed on your server when you browse the site are cookies that have either the exclusive purpose of allowing or facilitating communication electronically or are strictly necessary for the provision of the service for which you request (language cookies, etc.), either statistics cookies or other cookies in the conditions described below.
When cookies require your consent prior to their installation, we ask you to do so by means of the banner on the first page of the website, it being specified that the continuation of your navigation on the website constitutes acceptance.

Analytical cookies

Cookies are also used to count visitors to a page.

These are cookies from Google Analytics.

Sharing cookies (social links)

Our site may contain sharing links to LinkedIn, Facebook, Twitter and other similar social networks, which allow you to share content from our site with others. While using these share buttons, a third-party cookie is installed. If you are connected to the social network while browsing our site, the share buttons allow you to link the content consulted to your user account.


Cookie management

You have different ways to manage your cookies.

You can choose to disable these cookies at any time. You can accept them or refuse them on a case-by-case basis or systematically refuse them once and for all.

We remind you that the settings may change your conditions of access to our services requiring the use of cookies.

Depending on the type of cookies you want to disable, you can choose:

According to your browser settings

Most browsers accept cookies by default. However, you may decide to block these cookies or ask your browser to warn you when a site tries to implement a cookie on your device.

To change your browser’s cookie management, you can change the settings in the privacy tab.


Please note that some features of the site may no longer work.

The configuration of each browser is different. It is described in the help menu of your browser, which will let you know how to change your cookie preferences.

• Using opt-out links for analytics cookies

You can get more information about analytics cookies, including how to disable them, by following the link below:

For cookies deposited by Google Analytics:

Click here


More information about cookies

For more information on cookies, you can go to the GPDR website, at this address:

Click here



Link Activation

The company formally declines all responsibility for the contents of the sites to which it provides links. These links are offered to users of this website. The decision to activate the links rests exclusively with the users of the website. The company may modify or delete a link on its website at any time.

Link Authorization

If you wish to create a hypertext link to this website, you must obtain the prior written permission of the company management.

Hypertext links made to other sites from are not, under any circumstances, liable to the company.

Any link or framing of this site is strictly prohibited and consequently, no element appearing on a page of the company’s website may be partially or totally, disseminated, transferred or inserted on another website, nor used to create derivative products, unless expressly authorized by the management of the company.


Intellectual property rights and copyright

The reproduction or representation, in whole or in part, of the pages, the data and any other component of the site, by any process or medium whatsoever, is prohibited and constitutes, without the permission of the publisher, an infringement.

All items (text, photos, images, logos) on the website are protected by intellectual property rights. The reproduction and use of all documents published on this site are exclusively authorized for personal and private purposes and provided the source is acknowledged. Any reproduction, use or distribution of copies made for other purposes is expressly prohibited and penalized.

The names "ARCURE", "BLAXTAIR" and "OMEGA" are registered trademarks. Any fraudulent use constitutes an infringement and is subject to the criminal penalties provided for in articles L.716-1 and following of the Intellectual Property Code.


Applicable law

The website and its terms of access and use are governed by French law. Any dispute relating to said website will be subject to the exclusive jurisdiction of the Courts of Paris. 


Updates to the conditions of use of the website and applicable law. 

The Company may update these Terms of Use at any time. As a result, you are invited to regularly refer to the latest terms of use in force. These conditions of use are subject to applicable law and fall within the jurisdiction of the competent courts. 


Technical information. 

It is recalled that the secrecy of correspondence is not guaranteed on the network and that it is up to each Internet user to take all appropriate measures in order to protect his own data and/or software from the contamination of any viruses circulating on Internet.